About Me
In short: I’m a brand storyteller and creative explorer.
In full: Buckle up…
The concept bug bit me early on — and that little bugger has never let go. I’m happiest with an empty whiteboard, a blank notepad, and a creative brief chock full of insights. Wind me up and watch me go.
I constantly devour references on great writing and advertising. My shelf runneth over with stacks of Lürzer’s Archive and books like Luke Sullivan’s “Hey Whipple,” Thomas Kemeny’s “Junior,” and (nerd alert!) “The Yahoo! Style Guide: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Writing, Editing, and Creating Content for the Digital World.”
In fact, I’m certified by one of the best digital creative schools in the nation: The University of Colorado Boulder. At CU, I studied under some of Crispin’s most accomplished digital creative directors and content strategists. They taught me the best practices of web design, content strategy, mobile-first copywriting, and human-centered design thinking. Not to mention writing for SEO, SEM, and Google AdWords.
I’ve been a writer and an artist for as long as I can remember. From the moment I picked up my first comic book (Superman #25 — I still have it!), the combination of text and imagery has captivated me. And, no kidding, the ads in those comics captured my attention just as much.
I actually started my agency career in art direction. And though I’ve traded in my Pantone book for an AP Stylebook, I still think visually. Some say it’s strange to be both a writer and a designer — but I say it’s my superpower. Up, up, and away!
In my years as a copywriter, I’ve tackled just about everything: Long copy. Short copy. Funny, sad, and serious copy — I’ll crush any tone, voice, or channel you can throw at me.
Which, coincidentally, was my job in college. I’ve won a shelfful of local Gold ADDYs, two regional Gold ADDYs, and a judge’s special citation for my work as both a copywriter and an art director. (Still gunning for that national #1 spot, though!)
Additionally, my work has been featured in US Ad Review, Graphic Design USA, and — my personal favorite — in a trash heap on an episode of “Hoarders”.
It scratches my fiction itch and gives me a new perspective on brand storytelling (shoutout to my archetyping homie, Joseph Campbell).
When I’m not staring at a screen, you’ll find me out riding my e-bike, camping in a truck bed tent, or kayaking with an Outlaw beer between my legs.